Via Ramazzini, 8 48018 Faenza (RA)

Privacy Policy


Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, this document describes the processing of personal data of users who consult the website

The information set out does not apply to other websites, pages, or online services accessible through hyperlinks incidentally published on the website and addressing resources outside of the domain


The data controller is Mollificio Padano .


Following consultation of the website there may be processing of data regarding identified or identifiable natural persons.

2.1 Data submitted by users

The non-obligatory, explicit, and voluntary submission of messages to contact addresses, or by filling in and submitting contact forms available on the website, leads to acquisition of the necessary personal and/or contact details of senders in order to reply, in addition to any further personal details included in the communication itself.
2.2 Navigation data

  • • During the normal operation of the computer systems and software procedures implemented for the operation of the website, certain personal data is acquired as an implicit component of Internet communication protocols.
    This data category includes the IP addresses and computer and terminal domain names of users, URI/URL notation addresses of requested resources, request times, method implemented to submit requests to servers, the size of files received in response, numeric response status codes issued by servers (success, error, etc.), along with other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environments of users.
    This data is required in order to utilize the web services and is processed for the purpose of:
    - Obtaining statistical data on the use of services (most frequently visited pages, number of visitors by time band or daily, geographic areas of origin, etc.).
    - Checking correct website operation and improving the navigation experience of users.
    This information may also be used to prove responsibility in hypothetical cases of digital crimes against the website.
    Navigation data is immediately cancelled after processing (save an incidental need to prove criminal activity by legal authorities).

2.3 Information collected using cookies

Web tracking systems are implemented on the website, including the use of cookies. This involves digital recording of information transmitted by a web server to users’ computers. The information can be used for future identification of the same computers upon subsequent visits to the same website. These instruments facilitate analysis of web traffic, enable correct operation of the website, and allow web applications to send information to individual users.

Mollificio Padano can collect and process user data for the following purposes:

a)    Participation in the services provided (registration for courses, etc.).

b)    Fulfilment of legal obligations, regulations, applicable standards, and other requirements imposed by legally delegated authorities and supervisory and monitoring bodies.

c)    Sending periodic newsletters regarding update training seminars, training courses, and events connected with Mollificio Padano


The personal data of users will be processed in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, equity, necessity, pertinence, legitimacy, and transparency as required in the GDPR.

The processing of personal data will be conducted using automated instruments (for example, using electronic procedures and storage media) and/or manually (for example, printed) in compliance with the regulations in force. Adequate security measures will be implemented to prevent the loss of personal data, and any illicit or inappropriate use of, or unauthorized access to, the same.


Purpose a:

Submission by users of personal data is necessary for course enrolment applications and in order to access all the associated services.

Failure to submit data thus prevents users from receiving any information, goods, and/or services that they request. 

The processing of such data is conducted in order to satisfy requests from users, and/or to stipulate and perform any contracts agreed with users, consequently the express consent of users is not required (motivation for processing: fulfilment of contractual obligations).


Purpose b:

The company collects users’ personal data in order to fulfil legal obligations and/or to defend their rights in legal proceedings (motivation for processing: legal obligations that the company must comply with).


Purpose c:

The company collects users’ data in order to send them periodic informative newsletters regarding update training seminars, training courses, and events connected with SVI Verniciatura Industriale.

Submission of data for the abovementioned purpose is optional and lack of submission does not impede provision of services requested by filling in an enrolment form to the school and/or seminars.

Consent can be withdrawn at any time.


In the fulfilment of the abovementioned purposes and within the limits of strict necessity, users’ personal data can be made available to SVI Verniciatura Industriale employees and collaborators who are appointed as data processing managers and/or agents, on the basis and within the limits of the duties assigned to the same.

Individuals who carry out connected or instrumental actions supporting the activity of Mollificio Padano may also come into possession of users’ personal data communicated to the company if they are nominated as data processors to carry out the abovementioned operations, always within the limits of strict necessity and in compliance with the purposes described above. Finally, data can be transmitted to individuals who are required to receive the same in fulfilment of specific legal obligations, regulations, and/or EU standards.

More detailed information regarding the appointment of data processors can be requested by e-mail from the following address: 

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Personal data provided by users will be processed during the entire period of the contractual relationship in force and subsequently retained only for as long as required in order to satisfy legal obligations, save the necessity to retain data for longer periods in order to defend or enforce rights, or to comply with incidental further legal obligations or orders from public authorities.


As regards the processing of personal details, users are entitled to request the following from SVI Verniciatura Industriale. 

a)    Access: it is possible to query the existence or otherwise of personal data of the user in question, in addition to requesting further clarification regarding the information object of the present Statement, and requesting receipt of the same data, all within reasonable limits.

b)    Correction: it is possible to request the correction or amendment of data submitted or in the possession of the company, if the same are incorrect.

c)    Cancellation: it is possible to request cancellation of any personal data of the individual in question that was previously acquired or processed by SVI Verniciatura Industriale, whenever such data are no longer required for the company’s purposes, in the absence of contestations or disputes, in cases of revocation of consent, or in opposition to processing when this involves illicit processing, or if a legal obligation exists for the cancellation of the same.

d)    Limitation: it is possible to request limitations to the processing of personal details under any of the conditions set out in Art. 18 of the GDPR. In such cases the personal data will not be processed, save simple storage of the same, without the user’s consent, with the exception of the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article.

e)    Opposition: it is possible to oppose treatment of personal data of legitimate interest to the company at any time, save circumstances in which our legitimate reasons for processing prevail over the rights of the user, for example when defending the company in legal procedures. The right of opposition of users always prevails over the company’s legitimate interest of processing data for marketing purposes.

f)     Portability: it is possible to request receipt of the personal data of the subject in question, or to order their transmission to another data controller indicated by the user, in a commonly used, structured format readable by automatic devices.

Furthermore, pursuant to Art. 7, par. 3 of the GDPR, users are informed that they may exercise their right to withdraw consent, without compromising the legitimacy of processing conducted on the basis of a prior expression of consent. 
Users are also entitled to submit complaints to the Supervisory Authority, which in Italy is the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali [Personal Data Protection Authority].

For the exercise of rights, or to submit questions or request information regarding the processing of personal data and security measures implemented, users may contact the company at any time by the following means:


- Registered post with recorded delivery to the address:  Mollificio Padano S.r.l.
Via Ramazzini, 8 48018 Faenza (RA)

- E-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Indirizzo azienda

  • Via Ramazzini, 8 48018 Faenza (RA)
  • +39 0546 622 331

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